Sunday 17 January 2016

A Prayer Answered!!

January. 12, 2016

Hey guys!!

How is it going? This week went by fast and was good! There were transfers this week, but Elder Magby and I are both staying here, which will be good because we have a lot of people we are working with. I am excited to help them out a little bit more! Even though we don't eat very much with the members it's alright because we have some really good quality people that we are working with!! It makes it all worth it!  

The biggest thing that is happening is that they are going to put two more elders here in Villa Ramallo! So, this week we have been busy all week finding them a place to stay. Once we found them a place to stay we had to go and figure out all the furniture they will be needing and price it out.  It was kind of fun, actually! We went and looked for a while and found some pretty nice stuff! We still have to buy it though! The mission sent us a big check to go and buy all the stuff for it, but we have to wait until the mission has enough money in the account!! It'll be good though!  It will be kind of nice to have more missionaries here because being in a remote and small pueblo can feel pretty lonely. There isn't anything for miles!! Its definitely a different life! The challenging part though will be the fact that this is a pretty small area. My last area was split as well and it was pretty tough cause you have to make an area that can support two missionaries in terms of work and then change it into a area where it is required to support 4 missionaries and sometimes it is tough! We are sad to loose our one solid lunch every weeek, since it will be in the other area! So that's a little disappointing, but hey thats life! I am not here to eat (although it's great). So it will be good over all. I am excited for the change!!!

Lately Elder Magby and I have been praying really hard that we will be able to find new people to teach through references that members give us. We really have not been getting that many references! It's pretty tough because based on my experience, member referrals is the most effective way to do missionary work. Or atleast that's what has worked for me in the past. So we have been praying really hard lately that maybe something would pop up so that we could help this little branch out! Well, on Thursday morning we got a call during studies. An Hermano wanted us to go over to his house and said that is was urgent! I thought it was going to be like a family problem or something! I was a little bit worried! We quickly got our shoes on and headed over to his house! Well, when we got there what he so urgentley had to talk about was that he had a reference for us!! That night we went and contacted that reference and they are pretty awesome! They are an older couple and he hasn't been able to sleep and eat. He claims that the devil has control over him. SO we gave him a blessing and he said he slept amazing that night! They came to church on Sunday and now they have a baptismal date for Feb 13th!!! It's  pretty awesome!! I was pretty excited! It is true - God does hear our prayers! They loved going to church and won't stop talking about it!! I am super excited to teach them!!
This week we were contacting people a little bit in order to find some new people to teach. We found this one lady that said she had a trip into the other life. I am not sure if it actually happened, but she said that God told her that she had to come back to earth for a purpose, but she didn't know what it was. She told us that God said to her that he needed her. I do not know if it happened or not. But it made me think alot. I was thinking about how God really does love all of his children member or not, rich or poor, tall or skinny. He loves every single one! It doesn't t matter what you have done or what you are going to do, he loves everyone. That was pretty cool for me to stop and think about. He really does love everyone! Pretty awesome huh!!

Anyways we are doing good here! Just doing the normal missionary work! Daniel and Luisa are going this week to go see if they can get married, which we are really excited about! I am so excited for them!! it should be really good!
Thanks for everything!

I love you guys!!

Elder Carter

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